Frank Mercer & Sons

Collaborating on UK recycling infrastructure

In 2021, our PRN contract helped to support the latest investment at Frank Mercer & Sons – the UK’s largest producer of damp-proof membranes – to increase its capacity for recycling ethylene-based plastics by 66 percent.


The new, high-tech equipment will allow it to recycle up to 50,000 tonnes of plastics each year, making sure that UK waste is dealt with responsibly in the UK.


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“We see stories in the news about UK packaging waste being dumped in the Far East. This investment will help to make sure that UK waste packaging stays in the UK, where it can be properly recycled. The new machines are also more carbon-friendly. They provide a 30 per cent saving on the energy needed for recycling.”

Doug Mercer, Managing Director, Frank Mercer & Sons