Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Other Waste Streams

Within the Waste and Resources Strategy for England, the Government has committed to consulting industry regarding the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility for several new waste streams

The list is not fixed and does not exclude the potential to review and consult on Extended Producer Responsibility for other waste streams; however, the waste streams below have been identified as being high priority. It is the Government’s intention to update the Strategy every five years.

Fishing Gear

Consultation for this waste stream is expected to be held before 2022.

James Beard’s Blog, “Ghosts of the Abyss“, highlights the impact of ghost fishing gear on the world’s oceans and marine life and discusses ways to alleviate the damage caused by these waste products.


Consultation for this waste stream is expected to be held before 2022.

The environmental impact of textile waste is rapidly gaining attention from government, retailers, and consumers alike. Lucy Randle’s Blog, “Extended Producer Responsibility: the fabric of sustainability“, discusses the environmental impact of textile waste and upcoming changes, and explains what EPR for this waste stream could achieve.


Consultation for this waste stream is expected to be held before the end of 2025.

Matt Nichols, Divisional Director at Reconomy, discusses what Extended Producer Responsibility means for the construction and demolition industry in his Blog, “Extended Producer Responsibility for the Construction Sector – what you need to know.”


The Government has included electric vehicle batteries as a separate category in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), with consultation due to take place next year.

Ben Richardson, Valpak Director of Procurement, takes a look at electric vehicle batteries and their potential impact on the environment, as well as some possible solutions, including Extended Producer Responsibility legislation, to ensure they’re recycled in a sustainable and responsible manner. Read his Blog: “#PowerToDoMore – to create a sustainable, waste free world for EV batteries.”


Why Valpak?

Our 25 years’ experience means we not only have the data knowledge and systems in place to assist with the varying requirements of upcoming environmental legislation, but also the experience to handle compliance on our customers’ behalf.

We can also help with EPR internationally, where regulations already exist, via our International Compliance Service.

Make an Enquiry

To find out more about how we can help your business to prepare for Extended Producer Responsibility, contact one of our experts on 03450 682 572 or complete our enquiry form.
